Sunday, June 3, 2012

Four weeks.

Bennett is four weeks old already! How does it go by so quickly?? He is eating like a champ (4oz every 2-3 hours). Since day one he has slept all night long only waking to eat every three hours and get his diaper changed then right back down. Last night he went a glorious five hours between feedings! It was awesome. I think he would have went longer but I woke up to him making stretchy groan noises. When I went in there he was still sound asleep. He was sleeping so deeply last night that his diaper was mostly clean... until I woke him up. He pooped on two clean diapers before I could get them on and then topped it off by peeing on me. Thats ok, if he keeps sleeping like that he can poop and pee on me as much as he wants!!

I am having some separation anxiety with his baby stuff. I am ready to clean out the newborn clothes and some three month clothes out of his drawers but I don't want to. I am so sad to get rid of our baby stuff. I sound like a two year old but... Its mine! Ugh. While we are leaving the option for baby #4 open - long down the road - I know in my heart our limit sanity wise has probably been met and baby #4 probably just isn't logical for us. Ya, I can hold and see other peoples babies but its not the same. There is nothing like your own baby. Snuggling them all day long, kissing and squishing them to your hearts content, laying in bed with them for hours. Sigh. From experience with the older two boys I know my snuggling days with Bennett are limited.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

New name same game

Mom Two Boys has become The Joys of All Boys!

No longer having just two boys prompted a needed name change...

Hoping to have time to create more posts soon  - until then, I am thankful for all my little helpers!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Early Arrival: Bennett's Birth Story

On Saturday, May 5th I decided to surprise Chris by taking him to see The Avengers movie and out for dinner. We dropped Alec off with my Mom and brought Carsyn out to a steak house with us to eat dinner before leaving him at my Brother's house. As we pulled into the steak house I felt a strong Braxton Hick contraction and mentioned to Chris that it was a strong one. The movie started at 6:30 p.m. and I continued having strong BH contractions periodically.

We picked Carsyn back up and got home at about 10 p.m. It was funny because when we picked him up I joked to my Brother we would probably bring him back later that night. Chris got ready and left for work while I decided to open up the windows. It was really stormy out combined with a Super Moon so I figured I'd let it all in. I chugged a big cup of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea and started bouncing on my exercise ball while watching The Voice on DVR. I still had strong BH but nothing that made me think I was in labor. I showered and crawled in bed. The second I laid down they started getting really painful. I tried timing them but they were timing all over the place.When I walked around they were two minutes apart... when I laid down they were anywhere from 4-10 minutes apart. I had been induced with Carsyn and Alec so didn't really know what to expect as far as what it would be like.

I called L&D and they felt that I didn't need to come in since they were all over the place and they suggested I lay down and time them and see if the taper off. I called Chris at work and let him know what was going on. He called me half an hour later and they were still timing all over but were so strong that I was in tears. He told me he was coming home. I called L&D and told them I couldn't take it anymore and was coming in.

We packed Carsyn up and headed out. It was pouring rain and the contractions were really painful. We dropped Carsyn off quick and made it to the hospital at 2:45 a.m. I called my Mom on the way and told her that I didn't think they would keep me but I was going in - she heard how much pain I was in and decided to head down. They checked me in triage and I was surprised to hear I was 8 cm dilated!! They snapped up the sides of the bed and wheeled me into a delivery room. (THANK GOD Chris said he was coming home and we decided to just go in!) As soon as they got me in the room they checked me again and said I was 9 cm. I had Chris call his sister quick so she could make it up.

Initially, they didn't think I had time for an epidural. I was begging the nurses telling them they didn't understand... he was supposed to be nine pounds and there is no way I could push him out without and epidural. Luckily I got my epidural!!

At 5:30 a.m. it was time to start pushing. I started pushing and was terrified because it felt like I was pushing against a cement wall. I knew what that meant... I experienced it with Carsyn. A long time of a lot of HARD pushing. At 5:45 I decided to take a break from pushing and let him move on his own. At 6:00 a.m. the urge was so strong I had to start pushing again. One of the pushes got him right where he needed to be and I couldn't hold him in - the nurse was begging me to and I was trying so hard. She called twice for the doctor telling them they had to hurry. The doc came in and I was yelling at him to hurry up because I couldn't hold it anymore. One push and out he came on May 6th, 2012 at 6:27 a.m! SUNNY SIDE UP... AGAAAAAAAAIN! Carsyn was born 10lbs 1oz sunny side up - let me tell you from experiencing both that sunny side up is AWFUL to push out. Out came Bennett Paul sunny side up and a big boy at 9lbs 1oz! He was sooo sweet and alert. He was so content and just looking around soaking everything in. I am so blessed to have my little man.

When Bennett was first born he looked identical to Alec except he has big brown eyes. The more he is around the more he looks like Carsyn. Depending on the angle and expression he looks so much like both of his big brothers. He is perfect. Absolutely -- perfect.

Bennett is six days old today. He will be one week old tomorrow on his original due date... Mother's Day.

Bennett Paul - May 6, 2012 - 9lbs 1oz, 22"

Monday, February 20, 2012

He is for SURE one of ours!!

We got our 28 week 3D/4D ultrasound pics done today. OMG!!! I can't tell which brother he looks like more!! What do you think?  
 Bennett is the top photo. The middle and bottom are Alec
Baby Bennett is on the top and Carsyn is on the bottom

Baby Bennett is on top, Carsyn is on the bottom

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Nursery 2.0

Between Carsyn and Alec we didn't change the nursery at all. While it was cute and I loved it, I'm over it. That and we used flat paint (EPIC fail) so there are little hand prints and such all over the walls we couldn't get off. So, I figure if we are going to paint we should revamp it a bit. Here is what we have finished so far! I should add the walls are a very nice tan but look icky green in the photos... they were taken with my cellphone so quality isn't all that grand.

Our 1950s crib. My Dad and all his siblings as well as myself and all of mine used this crib. Now all of my kiddos have used it too~

I found the softest coziest crib sheet ever! I skipped the whole crib set thing because 1) they are expensive and 2) when you do start using blankets you never use the comforter. So I just bought a nice soft blanket that matches and a throw pillow. Also, we wanted to use a breathable bumper pad and crib sets only have regular ones... total waste.

Changing station

Above the closet. We put some of these above the bedroom door as well

Above the dresser. The dresser isn't out yet so its not shown but its a tall skinny one so this is perfect. I just need to get a nice frame to put the photo of Chris's Mom in. I just stuck it up there for now so you get the idea.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Handsome Boy

He is sooo cute!! I can't wait to meet him. I think he is going to look like his big brother, Alec!

sweetest face

He has Alec's lips
No photos please  :)

24 bump shot

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Nesting is an understatement

I have kicked it into high gear. I made a registry for myself on Amazon to keep track of what I still need to buy before baby gets here, I bought bunk beds for Carsyn and Alec's shared room, re-designed the nursery, researched and bought a breast pump, beginning the transition for Alec into his shared room as well as potty training. I am busy busy busy!! I am trying to get everything in order. I feel so ready for him to be here. I think its because Alec is so independent. When I had two "babies" life was rough. I think the bigger gap is going to make a world of difference (27 months vs. 20 months). I am 23 weeks along and May can get here any day now! My house isn't ready for him to get here... but I sure am!!

T-minus FIVE days until my 3d/4d ultrasound and SIX days until I leave for Mexico!! :)